"Home of The Famous Spaghetti Tacos"

Calios Tacos on the grill with sauce!
Calios Tacos on the grill!
Calios Tacos Signature Quesadillas
Calios Tacos Community Support
Calios Tacos Community Photo 2
The community loves Calios Tacos
Photo of Cali in the kitchenCalios Tacos eventQuesadillas by Calios TacosCalios Tacos Flyer

History of Calios Tacos

The Calios Tacos story can’t be better written. The path shines bright when the stars align. Pappa moved from Dallas to LA in the late 40’s and met the love of his life. Times were hard in South Central LA in the early 50’s and Pappa had to create something to spread the spaghetti dinners his family of 7 had become accustomed to. His spaghetti tacos were a hit and immediately became a family staple. Over the years his daughter, Mrs. Deborah, perfected her spaghetti sauce that is highly sought out and ordered for all special events and is a must have at family dinners. Mrs. Deborah handed over the recipe once her son Cali’s family requested it weekly for over 5 months straight! Cali, known to be a food connoisseur knew that once he plated his tacos for the public, there would be no turning back. His passion kept him focused and driven through the struggles of starting his own business.In 2017 on his first-year wedding anniversary, he packed up the Black stone grill and wiggled it into the backseat of his 4 door Camry and headed off to his first event. Mrs. Deborah was onsite to make sure her spaghetti was served accordingly and was able to see Cali’s vision firsthand. In 2019 everything was placed on hold when he welcomed his twin girls into the world. And then the pandemic happened. Time was not lost as this was much needed time for Cali to perfect his menu. Cali found venues that allowed him to set up a popup tent and nothing could keep his fans from The Special Sauce and his newly invented WestCoast Juice. Cali purchased his food truck in 2021 while the pandemic restrictions were still active. He wanted to be all the way ready once the green light was given. Regardless of permits Calios Tacos was highly sought out. His freshly made tacos were in constant demand, and he knew the only way to expand was to complete the very expensive and confusing permit process. In 2022 Calios Taco received its first 2 permits. One in the City of Arlington where Papa’s favorite football team is home to and the other where Papa was raised before setting off to the big city of LA.  This has all only been possible with the California-Texas love and support. Stay tuned as this is just the beginning of the big things in store for Calios Tacos, your Favorite Taco Man!

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